Seriously, that is the question here. I go back and forth constantly about whether or not I want to blog because every webinar, online course, or any educational thing I have taken about running a photography business talks about the importance of blogging. I am literally listening to a podcast about blogging right now. But what do I blog about? What do my clients and potential clients want to read about? I have no idea. My first few blog posts might be just complete rambling. Have you met me? Rambling on and on is one thing I am really great at. Silence makes me feel so uncomfortable.
So for now, my blogs will sort of just be informative and educational. What to wear, or not to prep for your session.. what to look for when hiring a family photographer... questions to ask your wedding photographer. Stay tuned for all of that. My plan right now is to blog once a week, but let's be honest here. I am a momma of two running a business in the middle of summer. My life is a little crazy right now.

But I would like to take a second to quickly introduce myself again to anyone who may have stumbled upon my website for the first time. This is me here and my fiance says no photo has ever captured me for who I am better than this... jumpsuit, awkward pose, coffee in hand. I have two kids, a 6 year old and a 2 year old who are the reasons I do what I do. Being a mom, I know just how precious those little moments are. Capturing those moments for other families is such an honor. If you haven't had the change to work with me yet, I hope we get to soon!